Thursday, October 21, 2010



We have started to setlle in well to Saint Remy. The other night we had a dinner party at a house around the corner, hosted by some locals Lucy and Sam. (English folk).
They have been very hospitable and helpful with explaining the local area, restaurants, nearby villages etc.

On Saturday morning the local square hosted a variety of vintage cars from the area. It was great to see such a large collection of the automobils of old. With their brass fittings, leather trims and wooden spokes, these were real classic open air carriages with great character. For vehicles over 100 years old and still running was a credit to their owners, who eventually drove off into the French countryside.

The girls have been visiting some restaurants, as part of "Cuisine week". Grace and Adele visited a local Michelin Star restaurant "Valrugues". The school is also organising rock climbing in the Alpilles for the students. I think the strong "Mistral " winds that have been blowing 'vent tres froid' have kept them from going this week.

On Wednesday, we went with the poms (Lucy and Jeraldine) to pick les pommes(apples). It was a belle  apres-midi (lovely afternoon) in the apple orchard. We picked  3 bags of Granny Smiths and Golden Delicious. After the harvest these apples are left on the trees because they are too small. The farmers don't send the pickers back because it is too expensive, so the locals are allowed to help themselves to what is there.

The region is known mainly for its wine and olive oil, but apples (pommes), cabbages (choux), pumpkins(citrouilles) and lettuce(laitue) are also prevelant in the fields.

Geoff and Lorraine should arrive today and are house sitting the Villa whilst we're on our French October School Holidays.
We are taking a driving holiday to SanRemo, Bellagio, Venice, Salzburg, Munich, Innsbruck, Leichtenstein, Lucerne and back home to Saint Remy.

Will update the Blog at the end of our road trip.

a bientot.


  1. Dear Adele, it looks like you are having such a wonderful time. I love your Villa. It looks so French. The markets look wonderful. How are you going at school?
    I have written a message on your class blog. There are also messages for you from other people in the class.
    I have made a link to your blog on our class website so that everyone can read what you are up to each week. Have a lovely week at school. We are off to camp this week. We will send you some pictures.

  2. Hi Ellise,
    I have had trouble with my google account and hope this now works. What a wonderful time you are having. We are missing you lots and have been busy swimming. We had the Art show last week and our swimming carnival is next week. If this sends we will send an e-mail from the class tomorrow. Is your teacher nice? Speak soon,
    love Mrs Smith

  3. Hi Guys
    Just checking if this works now. Hope it does will ring ring later to see if it does.

  4. Hi Ellise,
    We watched the bull in the ring. We thought it was pretty funny but a bit mean to tease the bull.We hope you are having a good time. We could hear your voice on the video. Kiki wants to know if you understand lots of things or not much-just like she found when coming to Australia.What do you do at school and what does your classroom look like?Is the work easy or hard? Caelan wants to now what Art activities do you do and do you have computers.We hope you are having a lovely time in France.
    lots of love, we miss you
    your friends at TGS xxxooooo

  5. Hi Adele,
    I hope your having heaps of fun in France.
    How's school?I can't wait until you get back.
    Talk to you soon, Isabelle.Keep looking at the website to see what we are doing.

    Hi Adele
    Saw your photos. It's cool have you made some friends. It looks cold. I got bitten by so many mosquitoes on camp I looked like I had chicken pox. From Amy

    Hi Adele
    I saw all of your photos. It look fun there. I wish you were there for camp. It was fun.
    Mrs M has put up a movie on the blog so check it out.Chat soon.
    From Alannah
