Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hello to everyone back in Sunny Townsville.
This week has been all about the French language. The children have been engrossed in school, tutoring, and watching Disney movies in French!! Brendan and I have also joined a local French speaking class in a nearby town called Eyrague.
On the weekend we went to watch a local Camargue Bull fight. Local boys start training at 10yrs of age.
Unlike in Spain, the idea of the game is to run around the bull and get it to chase you. Which is pretty funny to watch. Teamwork is obviously the aim of the game. They work together to distract the bull so they can get a thin rope hanging off the bull's horns. They also scratch the bulls head with a claw they have on their hand! Well, that is what we think they are doing! Have a attached a short film from the day.
The Wednesday Markets were really fantastic!! I wish they had them at home in Townsville. The food is unbelieveable over here. Everything tastes soooo good. We are slowly settling in to our life over here.
There is an amazing network of English people who have been popping in to welcome us. I have even been invited to play a spot of tennis with some of them!! The weather is starting to get cold (il fait froid!).
The children are slowly beginning to understand what their teachers are saying. Especially Taisez-vous! Which means "Be Quiet". I have been using this at home as well! They also use "je ne comprends pas" alot, which is - "I don't understand". But soon it will be - "Je comprends" (I understand) - we hope!!
Until next week,
Au Revoir!!


  1. Hi everybody.

    Look at all that food! It all looks so fantastic - i think if I had access to all of that I would come home looking like an oompa lumpa!

    Did you try some rabbit? I couldn't, no thank you!

    It is good to see you are starting to get a grasp of the language, I'll bet it is hard, but it will be great when you finally get there. Watching the Disney movies is a great idea, I couldn't think of a better way to practice (even for mums and dads).

    I'm really enjoying your photos, keep em coming. I can't wait to hear what adventures you have next week. Have fun!


  2. Hello Girls

    I am happy to see you are enjoying your French school, it sounds great having 2 hours for lunch and Wednesday off.That's a pretty good deal.It won't be long before you are all speaking French, you will have to translate for Mum and Dad.

    Grace I know how much you love good food, your Mum says the fruit and vegetables over there are so much more tastier than here. Maybe you can do some cooking classes and take advantage of all that good food?

    I love the house you are staying at,its great. I can't wait to come over and see you all and everything you are up to.

    Grandma Sharon.

  3. Hi Adele,
    I love markets. I really wish I could be there with you. This looks fantastic. We look at the blog regularly. Some of the children in the class have posted messages to you on your class blog, so do have a look. Enjoy all the wonderful tastes. Mrs. M
