Friday, November 5, 2010

WEEK 4: Italy.

We have just arrived back from our whirlwind holiday through Italy, Austria, Germany, & Switzerland. What an exciting 12 days! Our first stop from St. Remy was San Remo (the flower capital of Europe) on the Italian Rivieria. It was great to finally get a real cappuccino and enjoy the Italian fashion. The girls had to learn to say "Si" instead of "Oui" and "Grazie" instead of "Merci". Having mastered the Italian language, they then enjoyed a swim in the hotel pool over looking the Mediterranean sea. 
View of Pool - San Remo

The next morning we drove up to Bellagio at Lake Como. Where people kept stopping Brendan and asking if he was George Clooney!! Several autographs later, we settled into a very old Grand hotel over looking the lake. It was a very beautiful and quaint village tucked away into the hillside. The next day we organised a boat trip around the lake. The high light was stopping at "Villa del Balbianello". A number of feature films have used the villa for location shooting, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, and James Bond Casino Royale. All the villas were so opulent! Richard Branson's estate was pretty good too!!
Villa del Balbianello

As the snow moved into Bellagio, we shipped off to Venice. Returning to Venice after 13 years (Honeymoon) was especially exciting. It is quite unique and special. The  girls were fascinated by the canals and little walkways everywhere. It reminded them of Diagon Alley in the Harry Potter movies. We organised 2 private tours for Venice. The first was of the Doge's Palace (Doge is italian for "Duke"). We learned all about the history of Venice and many questions were asked by the children. Prizes were given out to who remember the facts the best! The second tour was to the islands of Venice. Murano, Torcello, & Burano. Murano is famous for it's world renowned glass making. Torcello has the oldest church in Venice, and Burano is a colourful fishing village where the women also make a special kind of lace. We have attached a video of some special glass making at Murano for you. See if you can guess what he is making??
Will sign off for now - will post the rest of the holiday soon!!
Au Revoir!!

1 comment:

  1. Have no idea so what was he making?? Love Venice!!! And how is George, how was his birthday?? Looks like it is getting a wee bit chilly over there I think I would have made a turn into that wine bar! Glad to see you guys are doing it so tough over there. Cheers Maddie
